Sound Transit Link Light Rail, Seattle – SeaTac, WA
CTS was involved in this project from 2002 through 2009. The firm’s role was to provide the civil and structural design interface for an elevated, 7-mile-long segment of Sound Transit’s Link Light Rail Project from Seattle to Sea-Tac International Airport.
The work included:
- Design of a new Park & Ride Lot at the S. 154th St. Station, including extensive retaining walls around the perimeter of the site
- Civil & structural design for the ground-plane area of Airport Station at STIA
- Civil design for a new Plaza on International Boulevard
- Realignment of MLK Jr. Way (SR 900)
- Widening & frontage improvements along East Marginal Way
- Widening & realignment of 52nd Ave. South
- Ramp realignments on SR 599
- Widening & reconstruction of segments of Southcenter Blvd.
- Reconstruction of the S. 154th St./SR 99 signalized intersection, and MLK Jr. Way / Boeing Access Road intersection
- SR 599 Metro On-Ramp Reconstruction
- SR 99 / South 154th Street signalized intersection.
- Civil & structural design for three substations along the route that power the overhead electrical system.
In addition to the above civil and structural design, CTS’s responsibilities included traffic signal and illumination design, traffic control during construction, and wetland mitigation reviews. The 100% PS&E submittal for this project was completed in several phases. CTS also provided on-call services during construction.